Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pi's Changing Life

Authors Note: This is a cause and effect about Life of Pi.
         In Life of Pi,  there are some major conflicts in this book that cause huge effects on Pi, and his survival. One of them is when his family is sailing to Canada to move their zoo. The ship makes a huge lurching sound, and Pi springs awake. Pi feels as though some thing is wrong. This causes him to go investigate. He tries to tell his brother to go with him, but he won't. The effect of this entraps his brother when the ship begins to sink. Pi is literally thrown into survival, and this gives him no way to save his brother. Pi's survival story starts the same as Torak in Wolf Brother. They are both unprepared to survive, after the death of their only family members. So another cause is: Their only family members die, causing them to go into shock about the entire situation.
         Later in the story, Pi row, and rows, and rows, until he finds an island. This island is inhabited by an abundance of Meerkats. Pi soon discovers that these Meerkats don't know fear, and so they are easy food. The effect of this gives Pi food which makes him stronger. In another effect, he regains his abilities to run, and think straight.These are mere examples, but when you dig through your book, you are sure to find dozens of causes and effects.
         You see, cause and effects can be tricky. Some can be good, and some can be bad.Causes determine what will happen in your future through your actions. Effects are the results of your actions. Some people try to find the silver lining of effects. Pi was extremely good at this, and that ensured his survival. 

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