Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stay Back Tiger

Author's Note: This is a conflict and resolution piece of Life of Pi.  
         The conflict in my book, is a very tricky one. Pi is on a boat with a 450 pound Bengal Tiger, and needs to survive before it gets hungry again.He can try to kill it, which won't end well for Pi. He can try to stay on the boat, but then he can't escape. In the end he decides to make a raft to stay as far away from the tiger as possible. I'd probably do the same thing.
         In this book there are many conflicts. Conflict: Pi is stranded in a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Resolution: Pi gets as much food as he can, so he can survive as long as he can.Then, every time a sign of humans appears, he sets off flares so they know where he is. He does everything possible to get rescued. But the real thing that saves him is himself. This is just like Spirit Walker. They boy is stranded in the boat, but with a wolf. He has lots of food, so he can live for a long time in ther e. When ever he see people, he uses shouting and movement to show them his location. The only difference besides the tiger, is that another human besides himself saves him.Once you find the conflicts in your life, it is easier to find the resolution. Torak and Pi did it to survive. So then you can do it to thrive.

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