Friday, January 4, 2013

There's a Monster in the Woods

The deep growl made Steven shudder with an impenetrable fear. Maybe the rumors were correct, maybe there was a big brown beast lurking in the darkness of the woods. Maybe he was just hearing things, but he was sure that the cougar was there. He peered into the dark, but it was no use. The black of night covered him like a blanket of cement. Steven couldn’t see his hand inches from his face. He fumbled to find his phone and turned on the bright screen. What he saw would forever change him. It was Chance who stood there with, hackles up, lips curled, foam dripping from his mouth, growling at him.
“It’s okay boy.” Steven cooed, as the dog’s soul-piercing eyes stayed locked upon his. Suddenly, Steven detected movement behind Chance. He broke his gaze and connected with another…… it was a female dog, lying on the ground, with four puppies cradled against her. It turns out, that Chance was a father. The monster of the woods, was truly a mother. Steven slowly backed away from Chance, and made his way back home to tell his father.
The moment Steven turned to walk away, Chance leaped upon him and sunk his teeth in Steven’s shoulder.
“AHHHHHH!!!!!” Steven screeched as the huge hound shook him wildly. Suddenly, the dog disappeared, and so did the female with her pups. Steven found himself turned around in the darkness, which direction was home? Then he realized the paw prints in the dirt. These were WAY bigger than Chance’s. Chance must have fled the scene, and that meant that the cougar was the one who attacked him! Confused in the darkness, Steven didn’t know where to go, so he just ran. He ran, and ran, and ran. After a minute he started to slow from loss of blood. When he thought that his legs could take no more, he plopped to the ground in a mess of sweat and blood.
There was a growling coming from somewhere, but he couldn’t find it. He heard a slow drip, drip, drip, and leaned to the side to hear it better. There was a wet sensation occurring by his left ear, and it was weird, because he could feel it. He swiped the affected area, and felt a kind of thick saliva. Steven was appalled, and looked up. The second his head moved, the beast lunged from the tree, and seized Steven’s neck. His life was now over. 

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