Friday, January 4, 2013

Blind Leading

There can be good, and bad leaders. Some leaders strive for power, and some look after the welfare of their people. This can be a common theme in life, and also in the book: The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. In this book, there is a blind leader named Adolph Hitler.
Hitler strives for power, and glory to himself. This tears apart his country, and scars their past with war. He is destined to lose, purely because he is too selfish to care about the people working for him. This theme is the same in the book; The Hunger Games, President Snow rules for all power over his citizens of Panem. He is too focused on his control to see that there is an ever-growing rebel army plotting against him. Snow was unsuccessful because he killed off the people that he ruled. He forced them to kill each other to survive. Snow was soon out-numbered by his enemies.
            There is also a theme of good leaders in each of these books. Hitler’s enemy: America, has joined forces with others and looked after them, to assure a great alliance. These healthy nations fight as one to destroy these blind rulers. Again, this is the same with The Hunger Games. President Snow has scarred his people, and that causes them to rise up and follow a promising ruler: Katniss Everdeen. Katniss truly cares about the people of Panem. This causes them to follow her lead, and rise up against Snow. Katniss is powered by care and unity, which makes her the undeniable winner of the war.
            If you choose to become a leader - and want to be a good one - then you must love your purpose. A good leader would lay everything down on the line, if it would help their people. The reason that these bad leaders couldn’t succeed is that they cared most about themselves. Hitler used his own people as human shields, and Snow killed his people for power.  This teaches us that if you have selfishness in your life, that your goals will most likely not be reached.           i5 � n H�& (�& the side to hear it better. There was a wet sensation occurring by his left ear, and it was weird, because he could feel it. He swiped the affected area, and felt a kind of thick saliva. Steven was appalled, and looked up. The second his head moved, the beast lunged from the tree, and seized Steven’s neck. His life was now over. 

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