Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sudden Stop

Author's Note: This is a sudden fiction piece based off the black and white picture we were shown a while ago.
A man stands, looking at all of the rushing people inside Grandview train station in New York. This whole world seems rushed to him. He wonders where the peoples’ journeys will take them. Soon, he wonders about his own life. Where will I go in this lifetime? Who will I meet? What is my purpose? While deep in a twisting thought of human existence, a man bumps into this lost soul.
            “Sorry,” he said apologetically.
            “That’s alright,” replied the young, confused man. When the rushing body passes, he realizes that the man hand  handed him something. It was a briefcase.
            “Excuse me sir!” he yelled, but it was no use. The building was packed with people, and he was long gone. He wandered the building for a while, and found a bench. He sat down, and examined the briefcase. It was a steel latching briefcase with no lock. I guess there’s nothing left to do but open it….
            “Click…. Cli-BOOOM!” went the briefcase, incinerating all in its path.

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