Friday, April 26, 2013

A Clean, Well Lighted Symbolism

I think that the sort clip; A Clean, Well Lighted Place was stuffed with symbolism. It starts off in a cozy tavern/bar with an older waiter and a younger waiter. They were literally waiting on an old, suicidal man to finish drinking and go home. The old man was sitting in a corner, which symbolizes his own, solitary world. When most people sit in booths they are with family or friends, but this man was in a booth, alone which tells the reader how lonely he is. The younger waiter didn’t want to wait at all, and felt no empathy for the poor old man. This shows how youth is always moving without care, and that experience and wisdom comes with age. The opposite was with the old waiter. He was fine with letting the old man stay, and felt sorry for him. I was almost as if he has felt his pain before, and wanted the old man to have a solitary escape from his sorrow.
            The old man was a faded main character. He was the main focus, and yet far from it. Everyone is talking about him, and he occasionally appears, but the main focus is on waiters. The old man lives in the shadows, and his only way to  escape them is to come to this well lighted place. His next glass of brandy is his delicate life; clinging on until the last drop is spent. But there is no saying how it will end. Will it end with the glass tipping and all spilling in one instant? Or will it be the last sip from a once full glass. Once it ends, however it ends, the man heads back into the shadows… 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Argumentative Acquaintances

   The main characters in A Clean, Well Lighted Place, are very argumentative. They disagree on many things that don’t require correction. This is the same in the book White Fang,  Henry and Bill are two dogsled driving men, who are delivering something. In this task, they must trek through dangerous woods. Bill and Henry are constantly disagreeing about things that don’t really matter. Although they are still comrades, they still argue about unnecessary things. They are stuck with each other and are forced to work out their differences in order to get through the task at hand.